Instant Articles Integration

Facebook Instant Articles Video Player Integration

The Rumble Video Player is compatible with Facebook Instant Articles.


iFrame Video Player Integration

In order to monetize with FAN instream video tags, you will need to host Rumble’s video player on your own domain. In order to do so, please follow these steps:

  1. Upload this file to the root directory or any folder on your domain.


  2. Typically, when embedding a Rumble video, the iFrame SRC URL will look like this:, but when working with an instant article, we will use the uploaded file to call the video player.

    1. Example:
    2. Below is a code example of what to place in your instant article:
      <figure class="op-interactive"><iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></figure>
  3. The code u1234 represents your user ID, and where v4c1i2 represents the video ID. Please replace the video ID with the video you would like to use.